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Weblog Yuli Nazarov

Education, research and other funny things

PhD openings

In the framework of ERC Advanced Grant Higher-dimensional topological solids realized with multi-terminal superconducting junctions

In addition, I am looking for 1-2 PhD students to start in 2019.

Here you can find a short description of the project.

To apply, please send to my e-mail address

  1. your CV,
  2. motivation letter with the references to the project content,
  3. the names of three referees,
  4. importantly, please make a TEST that can be found at this link, and enclose your results

I look forward to fruitful collaboration!

AQM mid-term survey

Here is the summary of the results of the mid-term survey of the course of Advanced Quantum mechanics.

Most important points

  • Little appreciation for the presentations. Still misunderstandings of their meaning
  • Contrasting opinions about the lectures
  • Requests for non-existing “simpler” exercises

More PhD and post-doc openings

In the framework of ERC Advanced Grant Higher-dimensional topological solids realized with multi-terminal superconducting junctions
(HITSUPERJU) I would like to announce

  1. 2 Ph.D. positions, duration 4 years,
  2. 1 post-doc position, duration 2 years.

There is no deadline for applications. The starting date is negotiable.

Here you can find a short description of the project.

To apply, please send

  1. your CV,
  2. motivation letter with the references to the project content,
  3. the names of three referees,
  4. importantly, the results of a TEST that can be found at this link

to my e-mail address

While the test is more appropriate for Ph.D. candidates, the aspiring postdocs are also requested to make it.
I look forward to fruitful collaboration!

PRB about statistics of continuous measurement

Published about ten days ago, actually. That February was very PRBductive.

Probability distributions of continuous measurement results for conditioned quantum evolution
A. Franquet and Yuli V. Nazarov

Phys. Rev. B 95, 085427 – Published 21 February 2017

The link to the arxiv version

This is the first publication of Albert, contratulations!

PRB about 4 kinds of topology in a single device

Published about a month ago, actually.

Order, disorder, and tunable gaps in the spectrum of Andreev bound states in a multiterminal superconducting device
Tomohiro Yokoyama, Johannes Reutlinger, Wolfgang Belzig, and Yuli V. Nazarov

Phys. Rev. B 95, 045411 (2017) – Published 12 January 2017

The link to the arxiv version

PRB details omega-squid

I thought for a while I made a record publishing two independent papers on the same day – no such luck, still a day difference 🙁

Coherent transport properties of a three-terminal hybrid superconducting interferometer

F. Vischi, M. Carrega, E. Strambini, S. D’Ambrosio, F. S. Bergeret, Yu. V. Nazarov, and F. Giazotto

Phys. Rev. B 95, 054504 – Published 13 February 2017

The link to the arxiv version

PRB transconductance quantization

Topological transconductance quantization in a four-terminal Josephson junction

Erik Eriksson, Roman-Pascal Riwar, Manuel Houzet, Julia S. Meyer, and Yuli V. Nazarov

Phys. Rev. B 95, 075417 – Published 14 February 2017

The link to the arxiv version

A postdoc/PhD student position in Germany (quantum information theory versus physics)

A fully-funded postdoc/PhD student position is available to work at
Peter Gruenberg Institute (PGI-2) in Forschungszentrum Juelich, near
Aachen in Germany. For students the degree will granted by RWTH
university in Aachen. The researcher will work with Dr. Mohammad H.
Ansari. The purpose of the project is to further develop the
mathematical relations between quantum information theory and physics.
Our findings will be used to explore new phenomena in quantum
thermodynamics and biology. The project requires that you have basic
knowledge about quantum physics, e.g. density matrix, Bloch equation,
correlations, the statistics of fermions and bosons, etc.

We will collaborate with some theoretical and experimental research
groups. One of our main collaborators will be Prof. Yuli Nazarov from
Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, whom the researcher
will have the opportunity to visit and work with.

Everyone from all around the world are welcome to apply. For full
consideration, please apply as soon as possible, by sending your
documents in one pdf file to “mansari AT gmail DOT com”:

1. your academic CV,
2. your list of publications,
3. your short research interests (no more than 300 words ~ two paragraphs)
4. the names, affiliation, and email addresses of 2 or 3 referees,
(make sure they are willing to send letters on time)

More information about the research can be found on:

Quantum measurements made predictable

This is the first submission by Albert.
See it here.
Probability distributions of continuous measurement results for conditioned quantum evolution
A. Franquet, Yuli V. Nazarov
(Submitted on 24 Aug 2016)

ABSTRACT: We address the statistics of continuous weak linear measurement on a few-state quantum system that is subject to a conditioned quantum evolution. For a conditioned evolution, both the initial and final states of the system are fixed: the latter is achieved by the post-selection in the end of the evolution. The statistics may drastically differ from the non-conditioned case, and the interference between initial and final states can be observed in the probability distributions of measurement outcomes as well as in the average values exceeding the conventional range of non-conditioned averages. We develop a proper formalism to compute the distributions of measurement outcomes, evaluate and discuss the distributions in experimentally relevant setups. We demonstrate the manifestations of the interference between initial and final states in various regimes. We consider analytically simple examples of non-trivial probability distributions. We reveal peaks (or dips) at half-quantized values of the measurement outputs. We discuss in detail the case of zero overlap between initial and final states demonstrating anomalously big average outputs and sudden jump in time-integrated output. We present and discuss the numerical evaluation of the probability distribution aiming at extend- ing the analytic results and describing a realistic experimental situation of a qubit in the regime of resonant fluorescence.

New submission: one device, 3 distinct topologies :)

This is possible: see it on cond-mat

Order, disorder and tunable gaps in the spectrum of Andreev bound states in a multi-terminal superconducting device
Tomohiro Yokoyama, Johannes Reutlinger, Wolfgang Belzig, Yuli V. Nazarov
(Submitted on 18 Sep 2016)

ABSTRACT: We consider the spectrum of Andreev bound states (ABSs) in an exemplary 4-terminal superconducting structure where 4 chaotic cavities are connected by QPCs to the terminals and to each other forming a ring. Such a tunable device can be realized in 2DEG-superconductor structures.
We concentrate on the limit of a short structure and large conductance of the QPCs where a quasi-continuous spectrum is formed. The energies can be tuned by the superconducting phases. We observe the opening and closing of gaps in the spectrum. This concerns the usual proximity gap that separates the levels from zero energy as well as less usual “smile” gaps that split the levels of the spectrum.
We demonstrate a remarkable crossover in the overall spectrum that occurs upon changing the ratio of conductance of the inner and outer QPCs. At big values of the ratio, the levels exhibit a generic behavior expected for the spectrum of a disordered system manifesting level repulsion and “Brownian motion” upon changing the phases. At small values of the ratio, the levels are squeezed into narrow bunches separated by wide smile gaps. Each bunch consists of almost degenerate ABSs.
We study in detail the properties of the spectrum in the limit of a small ratio, paying special attention to the crossings of bunches. We distinguish two types of crossings: i. with a regular phase dependence of the levels and ii. crossings where the Brownian motion of the levels leads to an apparently irregular phase-dependence. We work out a perturbation theory to explain the observations.
The unusual properties of the spectrum originate from unobvious topological effects. Topology of the first kind is related to the winding of the semiclassical Green’s function. It is responsible for the proximity gaps. Topology of the second kind comes about the discreteness of the number of modes and is responsible for the smile gaps.

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