Posted in March 2017
More PhD and post-doc openings
In the framework of ERC Advanced Grant Higher-dimensional topological solids realized with multi-terminal superconducting junctions
(HITSUPERJU) I would like to announce
- 2 Ph.D. positions, duration 4 years,
- 1 post-doc position, duration 2 years.
There is no deadline for applications. The starting date is negotiable.
Here you can find a short description of the project.
To apply, please send
- your CV,
- motivation letter with the references to the project content,
- the names of three referees,
- importantly, the results of a TEST that can be found at this link
to my e-mail address
While the test is more appropriate for Ph.D. candidates, the aspiring postdocs are also requested to make it.
I look forward to fruitful collaboration!
PRB about statistics of continuous measurement
Published about ten days ago, actually. That February was very PRBductive.
Probability distributions of continuous measurement results for conditioned quantum evolution
A. Franquet and Yuli V. Nazarov
Phys. Rev. B 95, 085427 – Published 21 February 2017
This is the first publication of Albert, contratulations!