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Ninth lecture quantum transport

was similar to the second one. I have decided to change something and
one change lead to another one and so on. I have finished changing only
at 23:30. I know what price is to pay: a student has caught me on the third transparency. What belong to the denominator has unfortunately appreared in the numerator. Just two days ago my youngest son got a very bad mark for this. Fortunately, my title protects me from such cruel punisment.

But it was not that bad after all. In fact, I think it was rather good lecture and interesting one – at least for me. I shall improve on the derivation of antilocalization: there must be a simpler and more convincing way to express this. The analysis of experimental curves I guess was comprehensive, at least the students seem to follow. Or is this just my impression?

Had time problem: needed 10 minutes for weak localization. Usually I do not do such things, but my desire not to postpone the topic (it will not fit qubits anyhow) was so great that I asked the students to remain in the class for 10 more minutes. They have agreed. Thank you for this, and I won’ t to it again.

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