Jeroen Oostinga
has been promoted to Ph.D. today. He is another student of Alberto Morpurgo who has left Delft for Geneve and brought some students with him. The previous promotion of this kind was that of Hangxing
Xie (the blog of 2010-03-29), and guess what: Hangxing Xie was there in the role of a paranymph, one of the two assisting the candidate during the defence.
He had to work, because the attack on the Ph.D. candidate has been pretty hard. All members of the commission have been persistent in the questioning. Serge Lemay has even formulated a question in a graphical form: a seemingly simple drawing to confuse the candidate (at least, it was confusing for me). I personally required computing a square root of a misspelled number and responsibility for a time reversal occured about four years ago. The promotor was interested to recieve a feedback on his (micro)managment activities.
Jeroen has withstood all with glory and honor. Main reason for this is of coourse his spectacular record in experimental physics of graphene: five fundamental effects measured and explained.