Proposal FOM projectruimte
was submbitted today. It was Queen’s birthday yesterday, it is Labour day today: to ultimate irritation of my family, I’ve spent both days in office. As usual, I would need some more time, for instance, to format the text in a readable way. Anyway it’s too late today, and I was too much exhausted and disgusted with the project contents to read it one more time.
This is by the way quite a slavonic attitude, an unfavorable heritage of my ancestrors: to work hard for a long time and get sloppy and negligent in the end. I know it’s better to do otherwise, but I cannot change my birth place. If I would, I’d certainly be a Polynesian: I’ve heard this is the most privileged minority in US.
The project is in nanoelectromechanics, its title is: " Devising polarons in carbon nanotubes". I really hope much for sucsess. I will publish a link to this proposal soon.