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Assumption of the Mother of God

is a great feast of today. In some churches, they call it Dormition or Falling Asleep. This is to stress that the word “death” or even “passing away” does not really apply to Mary of Nazareth. And, after all, to all of us. Or, in more precise terms, it is up to us if this applies.

For a long time, it was difficult for me to accept the fact. No, I did like to believe in this. While recalling my dears that are not here any more, I always feel that they are somehow alive: even by time I was an atheist. However, it seemed impossible to perceive the life after death, and especially the retribution in hereafter, as something systematic, as a “natural law”. All stories or descriptions I have heard or anything I could imagine seemed so earthy, so bound to the reality known, as not giving me any thrust.

Upon age I’ve undrestood I came in terms with the concept. Learned that there are real things that I cannot imagine. Learned to thrust even if I cannot imagine.

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