Andre Geim
and Kostya Novoselov have won Nobel prize on Oct. 5, 2010. That you undoubtedly know: what can I add to it?
First of all, I share alma mater: Fiztekh, Moscow Physical-Technical University, with the winners. This is an establishment that prendended to be excellent and even exclusive during Cold-War era, and honestly tried to achive this. Despite Nobel-stamped quality of their research, Andre and Kostya are typical fiztekhi, Fiztekh graduates, and their win is our win as well.
By chance, on the same Oct. 5 I came to Fiztekh after 25 years of being away. My goal was to deliver a lecture to younger generation: they are interested in nanoscience. I will perhaps describe the lecture in a separate post. Anyway Andre and Kostya have provided an excellent introducton for this lecture.
And personally I know Andre pretty well always being delighted with his creativity, assertiveness and humour. I hope that the prize won’t be a signal for him to cease his constant quest for novel things, and next to levitating frog, gekko tape and graphene he will come up with new sensational discoveries.