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First lecture fairy tales of theoretical physics

has started with a thrill: I’ve entered the classroom and seen it full, three times more people than expected. It took me a while to recognize that most audience were our Ph.D. students rather than master students expected. Anyway, full classroom works inspring.

I got a bit excited and has spent too much time on the general introduction: almost the same mistake I did earlier on the same day when giving Advanced Statistical Mechanics. I’d love to have twenty more minutes for the second part of the tale where really fairy things have been happening. Could not afford to postpone the ending, so last slides, the most difficult ones, were shown as quickly as cards shown by a magician performing a distract-attention trick in a less adult audience. My next tale will be in March and it will also concern inverse scattering problem. Perhaps I should repeat the stuff by the time.

Yet I’ve heard that the students were not completely dissatisfied. However, they made it clear that they appreciate the problem-solving sessions that were not planned. Well, it could be that an enthousiastic phd student would be as kind as to help us with one. And we shall definitely think about this for the next year.

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