Quantum to Classical Crossover in Mechanical Systems
This was a workshop held in Lorentz Center this week. In short, nanomechanics. It has been organized by Dirk Bouwmeester, Yaroslav Blanter, Herre van der Zant, and Eva Weig. A peculiarity of the organization were very long talks: 1.5 h with discussion. That’s not always bad, yet in this case a speaker usually attempts to say everything he/she knows.
I was able to attend on Monday, hope the most interesting day of the workshop. Andrew Clealand gave a extensive talk about cooling a resonator with a quibit: in his case, with superconducting qubit. He started with a electromagnetic resonator where very unusual and beautiful states can be formed. Further he described a mechanical resonanor with gigantic piezoelectic transduction. There, the results were less spectatular, though the manupulation of states has been clearly demonstrated. Pierre Meystre gave a detailed overview of the ways to couple and manipulate two resonantors, with emphasis on optomechanical systems. Jörg Kotthaus has presented an account of his research on qualifity factors and transduction of microoscillators. Our Gary Steele talked about nanotubes: and yes, he reviewed almost everything he’s done, yet it was interesting to hear.
I met some people I have not seen for a while, Phil Stamp including.