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Tenth lecture advanced quantum mechanics

was on disspative quantum mechanics. To summarize, I am reasonably satisfied both with my own presentation and the way the lecture has been received. I felt tired already from the begining but could stay it till the end. There was a time problem close to the end of the lecture so that we had to skip almost everything about density matrix and purity test. The attention was tight, and I got many question s about skipped hbars and missed i’s. 

There was a joyful noise from outside close to the end of the lecture. I had to get out and ask them to be quiter. Surprisingly, the guys making noise looked a way yonger than even first year students: wonder what did they do in the building. Perhaps they have been looking for their older brother/sister: a sound brust heard in 15 minutes might indicate they have finally found him/her.

# 11, the thoughest of the course, is nearing…


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