Tenth lecture of quantum transport
was bad bad bad. Me bad. I have not given this lecture for two years: Yaroslav Blanter did it. When I gave it three years ago I sort of liked it. Indeed, the topic is hot (still):qubits. Most elements of the presentation were (and are) fine, the stucture is logical and particular topics disscussed have been worth discussing. But perhaps I’ve changed too much in these three years: I did not fit the lecture, the lecture did not fit me, and that has been accumulating.
Shamefully, I did not explain in time what Rabi oscillation are, although they appeared on transparencies from time to time. Moreover, when a student dared to confront me with this natural question, I a. clearly indicated I did not like the question b.instead of answering, utter a short side-story c. finally, gave clusmy, long and incomprehensive answer. Bet I looked like an ambitious fool. Just appearence: my ambitions are modest.
The main problem was that I really hated the sheets. They did not contain what I needed, instead, they contained a lot of things I did not need. In the course of the preparation I recognized the problem, and went through the set three time to find a reconciliation between me and the lecture. It looked like we reached an agreement. However, the transparencies betrayed me somehow.
Down with the set, will never use it again. Qubits is a rapidly developing topic anyhow, the lacture must be updated.
Anonymous: Hmmm, ya, it might just not happen, but whats wrong in hoping? And lot of ppl do tell me that cricket needs to be taken off the BCCI’s hands. So, ok. That everyone agrees. But does anybody ever think of how it can be done? This post is just my viewpoint in how that can happen. A lot of points are in conjecture, but most proposals are…As for losing interest in cricket, i don’t that will ever happen to me. If you would believe it, I was taught to write the English alphabets by my mom in the guise of plotting the path of a cricket ball on the field. It’s almost second nature to me.
Sweet potato casserole with marshmallows????!!!!! That just sounds very strange to me. Blueberry muffins on the other hand – yum! Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family. Have a wonderful weekend xo
Absolutely mandatory. And it should be thorough. It’s a public health issue.I do think that abstinence should be encouraged; not from any religious perspective, but pretty much by scaring the s*** out of kids in regards to pregnancy and STDs. Like my mother did with me. It didn’t keep me from having sex, but I’m 30 and I’ve never been pregnant so she did something right.
Hi everybody,just a comment to keep my mind active and my anger against Joao Silva growing.I dont understand what this person has in his mind. Does he think he is able to hide the truth from Sean forever? One day Sean will know the truth and what he will think on the shameful behavior of Joao Silva? I think the best Joao Silva can do is to save his reputation and let Sean go back to David. Joao Silva, if you are reading this, be considerate. Do the right thing because you will not win this fight and in the end you may ruin your career.
Shiver me timbers, them’s some great information.
Of all the Mariahical meglomaniacal mecurial medicatious suppliments available, you would think the event horizon universe center was on the psychotropical latitudes of pink puppies being dropped from the ceiling and dreams of nipples dancing across the synaptical cleft or chasm which is the government bail out question : Cleft or Chasm?
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