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Twelfth lecture quantum transport

was the last regular lecture of the course. There will be a no-lecture #13 where I summarize the whole course and students ask questions: I have promised a prize of choice to a person who asks the biggest number of those.
There were several moments I stumbled during the lecture. One is when swithching from white noise to colorful environment: I guess I have to summarize what I want to do beforehand, the flow of the lecture makes a strange turn scattering attention of the audience. Second and third came close to each other: manifestations for decoherence/dephasing for electrons and dissipation mechanisms. Also, I was stressed in time when reached these transparensies. So that the disucssion of experiments was done in some hast.

Except this, the lecture was not bad. The attention/feedback was satisfactory. I even got an explanation why tau-phi is always bigger than tau-d. Actually, I’ve figured out it for myself only in the age of forty.

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