Fairly tales of theoretical physics
will be the name of a new course given in spring semester 2011. Except the name, there are several unusual things about it.
First of all, this will be a collaboration of all members of our theory group. Everybody will entousiastically contribute 2-3 lectures. We are glad that we can do such things together and one of the goals of the course is to show that we theorists are present at this, well, mostly technical, University.
We are also grateful to a person who kind of made everything for us so we won’t overstress ouerselves while preparing to the lectures. David (Dima) Khmelnitskii, long-time faculty of Cambridge (REAL Cambridge, of course) is giving this course over there for quite a time. (see http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~dek12/) "Fairy tales" is a very accurate description of the specific manner he’s chosen for presenting selected topics on mathematical physics. It’s been considered as a tough course among Cambridge (real Cambridge) students. Let’s see how does it go in Delft.
Two of us know Dima for a long time, that allowed him to appreciably contribute to our education (in that particular case, NOT in real Cambridge) as well in our understanding of the essence of theoretical physics. We will be honoured to give his course.
Well, if I only knew the name I would also judge it as too ambitious.
In fact, it is not: please check the website to get convinced.
“Fairly tales of theoretical physics” is a bit ambitious? isn’t it? it is more convenient for a course in the string theory!!! 😉