Matti Laakso
my Finnish collaborator, was visiting Delft in the week past. Unfortunately, it was rather busy and chaotic week and I cannot work with him as much as I wanted. Still, we were able to achieve some serious progress regarging the processes that determine overheating in superconductor-insulator-normal metal-insulator-superconductor structures (SINIS, it only sounds that long and artificial, it fact, this is a very natural structure and is relatively easy to make).
Matti is going to complete his PhD thesis in coming year.
On his way back, he had a mixture of trouble and luck. There was again a snowfall on Friday, and again the transport managers have been caught unguarded (what is going on with this country anyway…) Three thousand people have been stranded at Schiphol airport, and estimated three thousand could not reach it at all. On this background, Matti was relatively fortunate. He’s only spent an hour in a train that has stuck in Schiphol tunnel, waited three extra hours for his flight (the only one within Europe that has not been cancelled) and managed to get home on the same night.
So I wish him best luck with his PhD thesis as well.