

De meningen ge-uit door medewerkers en studenten van de TU Delft en de commentaren die zijn gegeven reflecteren niet perse de mening(en) van de TU Delft. De TU Delft is dan ook niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van hetgeen op de TU Delft weblogs zichtbaar is. Wel vindt de TU Delft het belangrijk - en ook waarde toevoegend - dat medewerkers en studenten op deze, door de TU Delft gefaciliteerde, omgeving hun mening kunnen geven.

Gerwin Koolstra

made a record on Friday, 5.8.2011 by sucsessfully passing the examination in Fairly Tales of Theoretical Physics. He’s the first student ever to pass the examination!(And the first to attempt this action
.) It’s my sincere hope that he won’t be last one. We had a bunch of good motivated students during the course.

The threshold that made the examination less popular than we want is the requirement to make three problems from the home work and document the solution. This is indeed a little time investment. I believe that Gerwin Koolstra has proven that this investment pays back soon.

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1 comment

So great that yo#&182u7;ve made it through the early years with teachers that get her! We started down a hard path in first grade. And so great also that you understand your daughter. A hard thing for us is that my husband has been so great at school since birth that it’s hard for him to understand the struggle.

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