Phase-slip qubit realized?
I’m in Leiden this week, participating in a workshop “Strongly Disordered Superconductors and Electronic Segregation” organized by Mikhail Feigel’man and Teun Klapwijk.
The main event of today (my seminal talk excluding:) ) was a sensational report of Oleg Astafiev of NEC. He has outlined his recent measurements on devices where InO was playing the role of a disordered superconductor. He made use of a desing proposed bij Hans Mooij and Kees Harmans about six years ago, so called phase-slip qubit. And the observation seems to show a well-developed lifted anticrossing of flux states corresponding to the phase-slip amplitude of more than 4 GHz.
As any pioneering experiment, this one rises some questions, especially around the numbers involved. However, it all looks real, for me at least.