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Fluctuations in Mallorca

Second half of the last week I have spent in Palma de Mallorca, participating in the workshop “Nonequilibrium Fluctuation Relations In Quantum Systems”. The workshop has been organized by Rosa Lopez and her colleagues in IFISC, The workshop idea was both interesting and practical: to bring representatives of two communities, (classical) statistical physics and (noisy) quantum transport together to understand the recent developments in the field.

This has worked, we did have an intensive mutual exchange, learn to understand and appreciate each other. We had lovely discussions, especially about entropy production, and did produce lots of entropy in this way. I met Miguel Rubi, Chirstopher Jarzynski, Juan Parrondo.

And learned quite a bit about Palma de Mallorca. In particular, the fact that large cities in California are named in memory of the chapels of a parish curch in a remote Mallorcian village…

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