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Posted in April 2013

PhD opening

I’m looking for a PhD student to work on Majorana states in superconductors.

More info:
PhD position in theory of superconductivity
Theoretical study of properties of Majorana states in superconducting nanostructures in the presence of Coulomb interaction and its time-dependent dynamics. Close collaboration with experimental group of prof. L.P. Kouvenhoven. Full project description can be found here .
Job description
4 years phd position
Kavli institute of Nanoscience, department of quantum nanoscience

The applicant should bear MSc title in theoretical physics or its equivalent. Experience in condensed matter physics, superconductivity and quantum information theory is appreciated.
Conditions of Employment
When fulfilling a PhD position at the FOM foundation, you will get the status of junior scientist.
You will have an employee status and can participate in all the employee benefits FOM offers. You will get a contract for 4 years. Your salary will be up to a maximum of 2,636 euro gross per month.The salary is supplemented with a holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.33%.
You are supposed to have a thesis finished at the end of your four year term with FOM.
A training programme is part of the agreement. You and your supervisor will make up a plan for the additional education and supervising that you specifically need. This plan also defines which teaching activities you will be responsible (up to a maximum of 10% of your time). The conditions of employment of the FOM-foundation are laid down in the Collective Labour Agreement for Research Centres (Cao-Onderzoekinstellingen), more exclusive information is available at this website under Personeelsinformatie (in Dutch) or under Personnel (in English).
General information about working at FOM can be found in the English part of this website under Personnel. The ‘FOM job interview code’ applies to this position.

Yuli V. Nazarov

Please send your CV and recommendation letters



apparently it is possible to make Blackboard not working without interrupting its services. I’m waiting for a page to load for more than 10 minutes. It must be tricky to get it running like this. I’m afraid that since this invention this mode will be made default. Which would increase time required to graduate from this University 🙂

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