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Posts in category Faith

No place for religion at TU Delft?

this is the title of the article in our university newspaper Delta. I did not see it on time, it’s three weeks old.

Pure vanity: I was interviewed for this article.:)

Isaiah 2:4

read this on Wednesday in attempts of improving my spiritual life 🙂

And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Well, this hardly worked. Instead of enlightening, I felt irritation and anger. Say, 20 years ago this citation seemed to be not far from the realization. Nowadays Evil rises head again: it does so in most stupid, shameless and hypocritical fashion. Who is sillier: people raging for arms or me with my optimistic beliefs?

Forgiveness Sunday

This year, the Orthodox schedules differ significantly from more common ones. As matter of fact, I’ve just started with Great Lent. To start with this, there is a rite not to miss: ask forgiveness of everybody, and forgive as well.

So please forgive me, dear reader.


is today, at least according to my calender. Have a blessed day today, whether it is a feast for you or not.

Chirst is risen

for me as well. I’m bound with all things I have or had to do urgently and experience a hopelessly collapsing schedule. My Lord, let my brain and typing fingers to attend these matters and set my soul free to enjoy your feast.

Christ is risen, dear reader!


An invariant reference frame

can be introduced as follows (Herbrews 1:10-12)And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:
They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment;
And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.

While observing waist and decay, waisting and decaying myself, doing lots of unsensibilities and not doing any good, it is importrant to have a proper reference.

Let it be

This is what is read in the church today: (Isaiah 2:4)
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

The message is clear: at least at the surface level. Make love no war. A detail: let’s beat the swords into plowshares was one of the heavily-used slogans of leftish peace movements in the second half of twentieth century. Being mostly atheistic, they never gave ref to the source. I know for a fact that many people of my cultural background regard the phrase as a stamp of communistic propaganda being unaware of its true origin.

Forgiveness Sunday 2012

Forgiveness Sunday, the gate to Great Lent, has taken place today. I have previously described the rite here
and here, I do not want to repeat myself since it went the same way. You can also see this here.

This time many people I love are ill or hit otherwise with no apparent reason, and/or unhappy. I feel confused and anxious. I shall pray.

Please forgive me my wrogdoings, dear reader.

Crux Delft 2012

I have attended today the meeting of christian scientists of our University, something I did not do for a while. Well, the time of Great Lent is approaching, this is perhaps why.

There was very interesting and enthousiastic presentation of Martine van Veelen. She is busy with organazing science, and also is a program director of ForumC, a forum for science, faith and society.

She presented the results of a questionaire organized by Forum C. About 2000 Dutch profs have been asked about their beliefs, this has produced a set of interesting numbers. We have mostly discussed two of them: 44% of Dutch profs are atheists, 20% treat the colleagues who show their faith “less seriously”.


Chirst is born, dear reader, after all for me as well. I’m happy with my family and ready for all wonders of this year.

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