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Since Thursday I’m in Grenoble. It’s my first time over here, so I thoroughly enjoy unbelieavbly scenic views the city and its neighbourhoods have to offer. I have had already a good long hike yesterday.

But for science have I come, and that they have in abundance too. There are two large scientific centers in the city where, among other things, nanoscience activities take place. Both are thoroughly fenced off any external disturbance: the heritage of cold-war era or something else. I am visiting CEA, and have to exchange my passport for a badge with ever-worst photo of mine: the price for gaining access to their latest scientific results. On Friday my curiosity has extended to CNRS. Phyisically, it’s 200 m away. Yet there are fences too high to jump over. My host directed me to an automated gate that would let me out: naturally enough, I would not be able to get back. Yet the host was too high of opinion about my general intellegence. Finally, he had to come along and personally push all necessary buttons. It is a wonderful integrating power of science that makes the scientists of both centers aware of their mutual presence: they know each other names and, reportedly, even meet in Grenoble (by the gate?) to discuss the research, not restricting personal communications to international conferences. To finish with the topic: we’ve no (visible) fences in Delft, but surprisingly much personal communication with my colleagues takes place during international conferences.

I have talked to Julia Meyer, Manuel Houzet, Xavier Waintal – energetic, talented scientists of younger generation, and to my old friend Frank Hekking. I will remain in Grenoble for ten more days.


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