Sixth lecture Advanced StatisticalMechanics
has taken place on Thurdsday. It was a beautiful bright morning, typical for beginning of spring. At the time of the beginning, there was a single student in the audience. He did not feel easy, looked like he would gladly be otherplace. I waited a bit, and we got a company, then yet more, so like in fifteen minutes number of students was back to normal. The phemonenon is known, the student activitity always reaches a deep minimun at the last lecture before the semester break. Especially if the weather is nice.
Apart from this, the lecture was satisfactory. Or, to put it more carefully, I expected a worser one since I have decided to make it close to the book and Kardar uses the topic of ideal quantum gas mainly to brush algebraic skills of students. He derives a single implicit formula and obtains all physical cases by tedious limit calculations.
Given this, I think we still could enjoy some physics this bright morning