Workshop with Keio University
On Monday and Tuesday we have had a special event: a workshop for PhD students where experimentalists and theorists from Delft come together with their colleagues from Keio University. Japanese goverment provides financial support (or, given the present state of affairs, perhaps provided) to Japanese students to attend such workshops.
Prof. Mikio Eto thus came to us bringing Takashi Kashimura and Ryota Watanabe, and Tomohiro Yokoyama was already these. Guess it was interesting for everybody since the program was really various.
Here it is for your information:
10:15-10:30 Opening: Profs. Yuli V. Nazarov (TUD) and Mikio Eto (Keio)
10:30-11:00 Takashi Kashimura (Ohashi group, Keio) “π-Josephson junction in a spin-polarized Fermi gas”
11:00-11:30 Ciprian Padurariu (TUD, Theory group)
“Superconducting spin qubits”
11:30-12:00 Peng Yan (TUD, Theory group)
“All-magnonic spin-transfer torque and domain wall propagation”
13:30-14:00 Ryota Watanabe (Ohashi group, Keio)
“Pseudogap effects on photoemission spectra in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of
atomic Fermi gases”
14:00-14:30 Vlad Pribiag (TUD, Quantum Transport group)
"The spin-orbit interaction in InAs and InSb nanowire quantum dots."
14:30-15:00 Tomohiro Yokoyama (Eto group, Keio)
“Spin-polarized current generation in quantum dot with spin-orbit interaction”
9:15-10:15 Prof. Mikio Eto (Keio)
“Kondo effect in quantum dot embedded in Aharonov-Bohm ring”
10:30-11:00 Mohammad Shafiel (TUD, Quantum transport group)
“Single-shot correlations and two-qubit gate of solid-state spins”
11:00-11:30 Mireia Alos Palop (TUD, Theory group)
“Adiabatic quantum pumping through surface states in 3D
topological insulators”
11:30-12:00 Dmitri Pikulin (Leiden/TUD, Theory group)
"Influence of topology on transport properties of superconducting junctions"