Han Keijzers
has been declared PhD yesterday by his promotor Leo Kouwenhoven. The PhD thesis was entitled “Josephson effects in carbon nanotube mechanical resonators and graphene”. I was naturally present as a member of the committee. If I were not I would have come anyway since a big chunk of the (already relatively) recent research of me and Ciprian has originated from occasional chat with Han by the bicycle stall three years ago. Since that we have had many chats, yet the only solid conclusion we have drawn and confirmed by hard theoretical work and numerous experiments is that the physics of Josephson nanotube resonators is far more complicated and less spectacular than we have assumed three years ago.
Han did impressive work and his PhD thesis is a way thicker than an average one. I find it remarkable that the opponents spoke during the defence almost as long as the candidate: their questions were long and sometimes complex-structured while the answers came quickly and to the point.
Han has now switched from nanotubes to gigatubes: he has found his way in Dutch industry. Somebody else should go about the superconducting nanotube resonators, that’s it.
And today, the day after the defense, we have received an acceptance note of our
http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/1112.5807, the work done in collaboration with Han.
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