Happy New Year to you, dear reader!
I wish you will reach all the goals you have set for 2010. I also hope that this year something unexpected but pleasant will enter your life.
My plans for 2010 include:
– confronting my 50th birthday (not ready, feel terrible)
– gambling for big research grants: ERC Advanced grant and national Nanoprogram
– long (>2 weeks)research visits to Grenoble and Aspen
– preparation Advanced Statistics course
– setting up a decent and useful personal web-site
All that above the “routine” research, education and book-writting activities.
Besides, I’m still wishing something unexpected but pleasant…
1 comment
: « je n’ai pas de racines, mais des pieds pour avancer » : je permettrai d’en user et abuser, j’adore @Ant : &loLso; q&ruquo;embarga » n’est pas le terme approprié puisque la pâte à tartiner n’est pa