Weblog Yuli Nazarov
Releasing the queue
While having much news I did not blog recently: was again under stress preparing another little-chance-to-get grant application. Today I’m realising the accumulated information.
Statistics of radiation accepted
Our long paper with Chiprian and Fabian "Statistics of radiation at Josephson parametric resonance" has been accepted for Physical Review B. You can read it at http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/1112.4159
Quantum synchronization out
Alina and me have finally submitted our work on quantum synchronization, a contribution that revives some nice ideas from the golden age of Josephson quantum mechanics.
Please read it here.
Quantum synchronization and transresistance quantization in superconducting devices
We show theoretically the possibility of quantum synchronization of Josephson and Bloch oscillations in a superconducting device. One needs an LC oscillator to achieve exponentially small rate of synchronization errors. The synchronization leads to quantization of transresistance similar to that in (Fractional) Quantum Hall Effect.
Exam Quantum Transport
was graded by me yesterday. This completed the semester! That was really endless this year.
Everybody has passed, although the overall marks are rather average, with a single-student exception. I’d like to have more exceptions like this in coming years. There was a graduate student taking the course and the exam. He can use the credits for his graduate education.
Wish to thank everybody who took the course this year.
Exam Advanced Statistical Mechanics
has been graded today. It has brought quite opposite feelings to me.
The exam appeared to be reasonably popular. As to results, an overwhelming majority have passed while the marks turned to be more average than I could expect, with an exception of a single student who manage to get an exceptional mark.
It was rewarding to see that the "theoretical" part of the course, that outlined during the lectures, went much better than expected. It was rather troubling to see that the problem-solving sessions that were so popular and costed so much effort did not quite get through. An apparent stumbling block were unusual and unpredictable mathematical deficiencies that ranged from mistakes while diffirentiating log function to inability to recognize the relation between summation and integration, and/or to apply a Fourier transform. Less obvious and more difficult problem is to access the ability of a student to expand the knowledge gained just by one step further.
I’ve also contibuted to the confusion: I’ve spell-checked the text of multiple choice questions but managed to print out the previous version of the file. So I got many remarks concerning the spelling: fortunately, this did not seem to lead to any misunderstanding of questions.
For those interested, I’ll upload the exam and solutions later today.
Last lectures of this semester
I have read today. I still have to prepare two exams.
The time period from March to now has been difficult for me, this havs also reflected on the education. I could not blog the educational activities, for instance. It must become better next year.
During the semester, I enjoyed very much from the communications with a group of devoted students, I wish to thank them.
Book out
Today Jeroen Danon has sent to Cambridge University Press the manuscript of our textbook "Advanced Quantum Mechanics". This is an important stage of this project. The book was difficult to finalize. I was pretty much overwhelmed with this work that I had to carry out on the backgound of less pleasant events and at cost of postponing many urgent tasks. It was the reason not to write to this blog for weeks. I hope to recuperate soon.
is today, at least according to my calender. Have a blessed day today, whether it is a feast for you or not.
Chirst is risen
for me as well. I’m bound with all things I have or had to do urgently and experience a hopelessly collapsing schedule. My Lord, let my brain and typing fingers to attend these matters and set my soul free to enjoy your feast.
Christ is risen, dear reader!
Quantum Noise and Measurement in Engineered Electronic Systems
This workshop is about to be officially announced, look here. Below is the announcement:)
Quantum Noise and Measurement in Engineered Electronic Systems
International Workshop – 8 – 12 October 2012
Scientific Coordinators:
Wolfgang Belzig (Universität Konstanz, Germany)
Michel Devoret (Yale University, USA)
Yuli V. Nazarov (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
Katrin Lantsch (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme Dresden, Germany)
Supported by the SFB 767 "Controlled Nanosystems"
The aim to manipulate, control, and measure electronic devices at the single quantum level has shaped the last decade in mesocopic physics. The measurement procedure itself, as well as the effect of a dissipative environment, are intrinsically quantum in these systems, which poses a challenge to experimentalists as well as theorists. These problems are common for the full counting statistics of electrons passing in a nanodevice, fluctuations and amplification in quantum-limited complex circuits, and the next-generation qubit schemes. The workshop strives to achieve the synergy of these research fields at the level of theory and experiment.
The list of invited speakers includes:
T. Brandes (Berlin, Germany), M. Büttiker (Geneva, Switzerland), A. Clerk (Montreal, Canada), L. DiCarlo (Delft, The Netherlands), K. Ensslin (Zürich, Switzerland), D. Esteve (Gif-sur-Yvette, France), Y. Gefen (Rehovot, Israel), S. Girvin(New Haven, USA), D.C. Glattli (Gif-sur-Yvette, France), M. Heiblum (Rehovot, Israel), T. Kippenberg (Lausanne, Switzerland), J. König (Duisburg, Germany), T. Kontos (Paris, France), G.B. Lesovik (Moscow, Russia), L. Levitov(Cambridge, USA), F. Marquardt (Erlangen, Germany), T. Martin (Marseille, France), K. Mølmer (Aarhus, Denmark),J. Pekola (Aalto, Finland), B. Reulet (Sherbrooke, Canada), R. Schoelkopf (New Haven, USA), G. Schön (Karlsruhe, Germany), C. Schönenberger (Basel, Switzerland), I. Siddiqi (Berkeley, USA), J. van Ruitenbeek (Leiden, The Netherlands), F. von Oppen (Berlin, Germany), A. Wallraff (Zürich, Switzerland)
Applications for participation and poster or oral contributions are welcome and should be made by using the application form on the workshop’s web page. The number of attendees is limited. The registration fee for the workshop is 120 EUR and should be paid by all participants. Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems. Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses. Please note that childcare is available upon request.
Applications received before 31 July 2012 are considered preferentially.
For further information please e-mail to: