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Weblog Yuli Nazarov

Education, research and other funny things


meeting of a new European collaboration has taken place in Helsinki on 5-2-2013. Our project is called INFERNOS, and we want to make and investigate daemons – fortunately, little ones, preferrably, at nanoscale. More about the project.

Tomohiro Yokoyama

who visited me in Delft in course of our collaboration on spin-orbit effects in Josephson junctions, has got his Ph.D. degree on 31-12-2013. Congratulations! Today I have learned that he has also secured a post-doc job in RIKEN institute in Japan. This gives a chance to our futher collaboration.

Landry Bretheau

has sucsessfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in Saclay, a suburb of Paris on 1-2-2013. I was in the committee. A part of the thesis was the pioneering observation of doublet state of superconducting quasiparticles,, 40 years after its theoretical prediction. Yet it has many parts, some even more fascinating… The discussion with the opponent could have been more smooth, yet Landry managed to stay within the restrictions of formal politness.

Remarkable thesis work. And it was first time in my life I tasted home-made foie gras.

Book out!

The text-book on Advanced Quantum Mechanics with my former student Jeroen Danon has been published recently in Cambridge University Press. I just got first copies.
Look here for details.

Synchronization rocks

As a late gift on occasion of Orthodox Christmas, the work of me and Alina Nriscu
(read here about) has been accepted for Physical Review Letters and will be published soon.

Best wishes

Dear reader, I’ve been undergoing some unexpected changes in 2012, the changes that I could not map onto usual axes such as being efficient/inefficient proffesional, happy/unhappy person, experienced/confused believer. There is a fat chance I exxagerate the importance of these changes owing to their unexpected nature. Yet to report 2012 in usual terms does not seem relevant at the moment. Due to the changes, I attended less to many duties, this blog including: I apologize if this caused an inconvenience.

After all, I’d like to wish you peace: peace inside your soul, peace around you, peace anywhere you get.

Happy 2013 for you!

Inaugural speech prof. Pieternel Levelt

has taken place today. If I understood correctly, she mostly works at Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and is in charge of important task: she monitors the trace gases in air with the aid of sattelite-based spectrometers and thereby watches the climate changes and air quality over the globe. Important job, this contibutes to unbelievable stability of her research: the plans are made till 2030.
It was a good lecture, and I’ve learnt a couple of funny things. The struggle to impove the quality of air can contribute to global warming if done without thinking: some trace gases help to cool. Air pollution is not limited to (compact) industrial regions: major ship routes are clearly seen on a map that shows NO2 concentration in athmosphere.

Alina Hriscu

has obtained her PhD title today by defending the thesis entitled Theoretical Proposals of Quantum Phase-slip Devices. I had a pleasure to promote her.

Alina Hriscu was my first female PhD student, and four years with her were full of unforgettable experiences. In my speech I compared these years to a rough cross-country ride that brought three very good publications.

FOM projectruimte 2012

In the context of our national grant competition I have applied with Leo Kouwenhoven for a project meant to facilitate the further exploration of recently discovered Majorana particles.

Spin-blockade qubit in a superconducting junction

is a title of our new cond-mat submission with Ciprian. You can find it here .

Below is the abstract:

We interpret a recent pioneering experiment [Zgirski M. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 106 (2011) 257003] on quasiparticle manipulation in a superconducting break junction in terms of spin blockade drawing analogy with spin qubits. We propose a novel qubit design that exploits the spin state of two trapped quasiparticles. We detail the coherent control of all four spin states by resonant quantum manipulation and compute the corresponding Rabi frequencies. The read-out technique is based on the spin-blockade that inhibits quasiparticle recombination in triplet states. We provide extensive microscopic estimations of the parameters of our model.

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