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The Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Quantum Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in Experimental Physics. Consideration of applications for an associate or full professor level position may be given to exceptionally well-qualified individuals.

Candidates must be able to demonstrate the ability to develop a highly successful independent research program and to participate effectively in the teaching of the applied physics curriculum at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Research areas of interest include, for example, optics and photonics, nanostructure science and technology, novel sensing methods, condensed-matter
physics, and materials physics. Direct experience in nanoscience is not required of applicants, but candidates should think about how they could integrate their research into a theme of nanoscience or nanotechnology. Prospective candidates who wish to pursue interdisciplinary research efforts are strongly encouraged to apply. Current research in the Quantum Nanoscience Department is active
across many fields, including nanophotonics, quantum optomechanics, quantum optics, quantum transport, mesoscopic physics, and condensed matter physics.
The successful applicant can expect a highly competitive start-up package for her/his research program. Considerable institutional resources are available at TU Delft that can strengthen this research program and support interdisciplinary and collaborative research ventures. Candidates will be appointed on a tenure track basis with the prospect of a tenured position based on a successful evaluation after 5 years.

TU Delft is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increase the diversity of its faculty.

Information and application
For more information about this position please contact the head of the Quantum Nanoscience Department Prof. Dr. K. Kuipers at

To apply, candidates should send the following information to the above email address:
(1) cover letter
(2) curriculum vitae
(3) publication list
(4) description of research interests and plans (1 page summary + 6 page max detailed statement)
(5) short teaching vision
(6) the names of three people who could be contacted for a letter of reference
Applications submitted by December 1, 2016 will receive full consideration.

International Women’s day

for me is immediately associated with soviet time of my youth. My mom likes it very much. She’s with us now, so I brought her flowers in the morning.

Well, I’ve figure out that the day is extensively celebrated in Delft: look here. I read the long program to my mom. No, nothing inspired her. I believe there is a conceptual difference 🙂

Here and now, it’s almost exclusively a day for women about women. In soviet times, that was a day of man’s courtesy: women got gifts and flowers, both required courage and effort to bring. That made it a way more romantic 🙂 Like this: mimosa

Happy New Year

to you, dear reader. Let peace and harmony prevail every aspect of your life!

Today seems a good day to restart my business blog. Since I’m alive, it must go on too. Let me outline my main challenges for 2015 and wish you to confront your challenges as well.

In education, I restart the course on Advanced Quantum Mechanics after five-something year break. That used to be a success, yet the students have changed ever since – so I feel a thrill. The course will be based on my book with Jeroen Danon. Albert Gonzales and Michael Wimmer will help me this year with exercises, so I hope we’ll do it fine.

In research, I need to complete to the papers the ideas of 2014 that came to me and my co-authors – some of them are quite striking and eye-opening. I will apply for a relatively big grant of European Research Council which hopefully gives me some means to work on novel topological effects in multi-terminal Josephson junctions.

As to organization, my role would be modest – conform to my age, I will try to resist most if not all (bureaucratic)changes in the group and the department 🙂 The idea is that the changes that you cannot resist are really useful and necessary 😉 while the others …

In addition, have to confront a way more personal challenge: to cope with a long-standing emotional disbalance that, among other things, seriously affects my business efficiency. 2014 has brought the idea of solving this problem, and hopefully the solution can be implemented in 2015.

Actually, my promotion is pending now: I don’t know if or when it happens. In case it will, I’d get a very useful emotional boost.

News about entropy

New submission:

Rényi entropy flows from quantum heat engines
Mohammad H. Ansari, Yuli V. Nazarov

We evaluate Renyi entropy flows from generic quantum heat engines (QHE) to a weakly-coupled probe environment kept in thermal equilibrium. We show the flows are determined by two quantities: heat flow and fictitious disspation that manifest the quantum coherence in the engine. This pertains also the common Shanon entropy flow. The results appeal for revision of the concept of entropy flows in quantum non-equlibrium thermodynamics.


apparently it is possible to make Blackboard not working without interrupting its services. I’m waiting for a page to load for more than 10 minutes. It must be tricky to get it running like this. I’m afraid that since this invention this mode will be made default. Which would increase time required to graduate from this University 🙂

Fourth Lecture Quantum Transport 2013

A peculiarity of the lecture was that I had to give it in the state of harsh flu. I just cannot afford to skip any lecture this semester. Despite my state, the lecture went reasonably smooth. The material was perhaps most abstract in the course: we have started with classical circuit theory and developed a quantum generalisation of it with virtually no formulas. It went good with respect to tempo. If healthly, I would even attempted to talk about spin transport as well. Yet this topics remains for the next lecture.

Fourth lecture Advanced Statistical Mechanics 2013

During this lecture, we have finished the material of the Lecture 3 except several slides which we look at in two weeks. Well, this tempo is normal: we had the same last years. Still I hesitate to make 4 slide sets out of 3: the borders between different topics do not fit nicely such separation. The audience is pretty large, there is a satisfactory interaction, although I feel little feedback.

Second Lecture Quantum Transport 2013

has taken place today. I begin to like the room F 104 where the lectures take place. It’s cozy, and I can conveniently sit while giving the lecture. We went through counting statistics and a half of the quantum interference lecture, just finishing Aharonov-Bohm effect. We have had an interesting discussion of the effect.

Second Lecture Advanced Statistical Mechanics 2013

was mostly about probability theory, a stuff pretty dry by itself. To make sure that I’m not making drier than it is, I’ve invited Jos Thijssen, director of master education, to provide some feedback. His impression from the lecture was favourable. It was also my impression of last years that during this lecture I loose a significant part of the audience. Let us hope it won’t be the case this year.

Best wishes

Dear reader, I’ve been undergoing some unexpected changes in 2012, the changes that I could not map onto usual axes such as being efficient/inefficient proffesional, happy/unhappy person, experienced/confused believer. There is a fat chance I exxagerate the importance of these changes owing to their unexpected nature. Yet to report 2012 in usual terms does not seem relevant at the moment. Due to the changes, I attended less to many duties, this blog including: I apologize if this caused an inconvenience.

After all, I’d like to wish you peace: peace inside your soul, peace around you, peace anywhere you get.

Happy 2013 for you!

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